Aardvark Safaris - Brochure 2024

59 | 60 aardvarksafaris.com W E R E C OMM E N D… Malilangwe for bird enthusiasts. The guides and rangers include some of Africa’s most highly respected bird experts who are particularly committed to their conservation cause. WH E N T O T R AV E L J F M A M J J A S O N D Zimbabwe • • • • • • • • • • • • Season • • • • • • • Green • • • • • • • / • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Dry • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • / • • Green • • Avg day Temp ºC 29 29 30 30 28 25 25 28 32 35 32 30 Avg day Temp ºF 84 84 86 86 82 77 77 82 90 95 90 86 • Bulawayo • Harare Nyanga Nat. Park Matobo Nat. Park Gonarezhou Nat. Park Chizarira Nat. Park Matusadona Nat. Park Mana Pools Nat. Park Victoria Falls Hwange Nat. Park • Excellent • Good • Possible Zimbabwe is the perfect introduction to Africa, with magnificent scenery, warm, gentle people, boundless wildlife and the spectacular Victoria Falls. The ever-changing landscapes and large number of national parks provide a wide variety of animal, plant, and bird life, making it ideal for guests wanting to combine several different areas and activities in one holiday. Hwange National Park is Zimbabwe’s largest national park, with a huge population of elephants and large prides of lions. Mana Pools National Park is a haven for wildlife and a magnet for the adventurous, much of it inaccessible to vehicles, and all the better for it - this is a place to explore by canoe and on foot. The fertile ground is dotted with towering fig, albida, mahogany, and baobab trees, with large herds of elephant and buffalo, and plenty of predators, especially wild dogs. Lake Kariba National Park and Matusadona National Park provide a wonderful landscape, great boat trips, birdwatching, and rich history. Zimbabwe’s safari guides are Africa’s best and undergo years of intensive training before qualifying as professionals. A wild, untamed natural beauty